I'm on the move

The timetables shown do not take into account any changes due to traffic, maintenance, or any other disruptions on the railway line. For real-time information, visit the sbb.ch and ter.sncf.com websites or their respective apps.

Traffic infos

I plan my trip
with routeRANK.

Find the best, fastest, cheapest, and most eco-friendly journey.

I check the timetables

Take advantage of our route search available at the top of the page. And find the timetables for each of our lines (L1 to L6) from Monday to Sunday, in PDF format. The timetables shown do not take into account any changes due to traffic, maintenance, or any other disruptions on the railway line. For real-time information, visit the sbb.ch and ter.sncf.com websites or their respective apps.

Coppet - Évian-les-Bains

Évian-les-Bains - Coppet

Coppet - Annecy

Annecy - Coppet

Coppet - St-Gervais-les-Bains-Le-Fayet

St-Gervais-les-Bains-Le-Fayet - Coppet

Coppet - Annemasse

Annemasse - Coppet

Genève - La Plaine

La Plaine - Genève

Genève - Bellegarde (Ain)

Bellegarde (Ain) - Genève


I organize my trip

You are traveling
across the border

With a Léman Pass ticket, you can travel across borders on all public transport: trains, buses, coaches within the Léman Express perimeter, trams, or lake shuttles. The fare is calculated according to your point of origin and your destination.

You are traveling exclusively in France

The TER illico range applies.

You are traveling exclusively within Switzerland

In the canton of Geneva

Your unireso zone 10 pass or ticket allows you to travel on the Léman Express trains, trams, buses, and lake shuttles.

On Thursday, May 30, 2024, the Grand Council accepted the principle of free public transportation for young people up to and including 24 years old, under certain conditions. It also decided to grant a 50% discount on annual and monthly subscriptions for AVS/AI beneficiaries residing in the canton of Geneva.

The implementation of these new fare provisions is planned for December at the earliest, coinciding with the schedule change. Unireso will provide further information on the modalities and conditions of this application later.

In the canton of Vaud

The Swiss national fare applies beyond zone 10 of unireso.

I'm traveling with :

Video “Where can I buy my ticket?”

 I consult the network maps

Discover the maps of the Léman Express network, unireso and Léman Pass, the transports publics geneveois (tpg), Noctambus, TAC, SIBRA, STAR’T, EVA’D and the bike and car parking plans.


 I continue my journey by train or by plane

The Léman Express is the starting point for your journey to more distant destinations. The Leman Express connections are optimized with the TGV Lyria, the TER Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, and the main SBB lines for a smooth journey.

The Léman Express also offers optimal connections from Geneva main station to Geneva Airport in only 7 minutes (5 trains per hour).


 I get rail traffic information


11 – 12 mai : Travaux Coppet <> Genève

En raison de travaux de maintenance, la cadence des circulations Léman Express sera diminuée dans les deux sens entre Coppet et Genève et les arrêts de Chambésy et Genève-Sécheron ne seront pas desservis, la nuit du dimanche 11 au lundi 12 mai, de 21h00 à 04h55. Des bus de remplacements seront mis en place entre Chambésy et Genève dans les deux sens.
Lire "11 – 12 mai : Travaux Coppet <> Genève"

22 – 25 avril : Travaux Annemasse <> Évian-les-Bains

En raison de travaux de maintenance, les circulations Léman Express seront interrompues entre Annemasse et Évian-les-Bains, dans les deux sens, du mardi 22 au vendredi 25 avril inclus, de 10h20 à 15h30. Des bus de remplacements seront mis en place.
Lire "22 – 25 avril : Travaux Annemasse <> Évian-les-Bains"

15 – 16 avril : Travaux Coppet <> Genève

En raison de travaux d’infrastructure, les circulations Léman Express seront interrompues entre Coppet et Genève, dans les deux sens, la nuit du mardi 15 au mercredi 16 avril, de 22h30 à 05h00. Des bus de remplacements seront mis en place.
Lire "15 – 16 avril : Travaux Coppet <> Genève"

I join the LEX WhatsApp

Thanks to LEX WhatsApp, receive live information
about rail traffic disturbances directly on your phone!
+ More information

1. Register a new contact from your WhatsApp account, with the number +41 22 501 71 38 and the name “Léman Express
2. Text “LEX” to this new contact from WhatsApp
3. Select the part(s) of the network you are interested in and your departure and arrival stations.


We do not respond to messages on this channel. If you have any questions, please contact us via our form. For real-time information, the SBB and SNCF applications and websites are at your disposal. Your data will not be shared or transmitted to third parties and will not serve any other purpose than the one mentioned above. You can ask to be removed from the mailing lists by sending the word “STOP”. Lémanis SA may modify, delete in part or in whole the content of the distribution list, and may suspend, temporarily, or permanently modify the content of the information and the general conditions. Only Swiss law is applicable, and the place of jurisdiction is Geneva.